a friend of mine Bonnie chats with me in this episode
* Women always take so much time getting ready
*Bonnie thinks you are all creepy..
*Bonnie explains what an Independent woman is.
*Someone interrupts the podcast
* Playstation 2 owns
* Gamecube fails
* Blow up dolls and Spanish Teachers
*Rocko dislikes nicky minaji
*Bonnie is bruitaly honest
Just heard the whole thing.
Rocko, sounds like you and the girl are really good friends, and that came across well on the show. It was very conversational, and almost sounded like I was eavesdropping on an actual convo. She was very charasmatic and relaxed, and while you drove the show and kept things moving, I wasnt really sure what the direction was supposed to be...
You mentioned that podcasting was a hot and rising new medium, and you alluded that's the reason youre doing this...my question is, whats your goal?
You arent a PUA personality, on Podcastlol#20 you mentioned you werent even really familiar with the PUA community at all aside from what the initials meant. You and Gio seemed to make a good combo on the show, but your purpose and role is still unclear....
Are you only on PUA Hate and making a show because this seems like one of the only places that would actually listen? You just dont come across as relevent to me....
At least Gio was in PUA, got fed up with the shit, turned on CC and came here, and is now doing his own show (tho not necessarily a PUA Hate show, but def PUA themed in certain ways). Superjointt was aware of PUA and found this site because of it, and Mr Right was Barrys most frequent guest and also familiar with PUA...Midnight was into PUA then "saw the light" and hosted podcastlol...they all have a legit reason to be here and make a show (questionable lol) but you...you just dont fit in.
Whats your agenda? Why choose PUA Hate to plug your show, which has absolutley nothing to do with the scene or anti scene?
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Fuck, Jack, you are such an insecure creepy faggot jerkoff.
You spam every forum known to man about your crappy show which is pretty much all about you and how amazing you think you are.
Every single post you make here is related to spamming you show in some way - and you have the hypocrisy to slam this guy for spamming here?
This guy has a decent show. Try learning from it instead of being a douche. You're worse than PUA 'competitors'
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To be honest you actually hit the nail on the head earlier on in your post, what I mean is, yeah it pretty much is the one place we're the interest in podcast seems to be a bit higher than other places.
My m.o for doing the podcast is simple, I really enjoy listening to them and I really enjoy trying to put one together. I mean, I really like the technology aspect of it and the entertainment aspect of it, that I can listen someone else rant, argue or crack jokes while I'm on my way to school. As for slowly getting popular, I hope so, because they have pretty much replaced me listening to the radio.
Now my thoughts on PUAhate and my agenda ORIGINALLY for coming here was to just be a troll,
something about this sight told me to just lurk for a bit before post my typical childish facade.
I'll say this, I'm not here to bash people for personal choices they use to get chicks, through I may be a bit critical (and try to be humorous) about the attitude that goes in hand with making those choices. Maybe. I'm just here to promote a show, that may or may not have a follow up episode.
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didn't you do the same bit with superjoint?
copy pasta
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Fair enough, good luck. Alot of the dialouge reminded me of the John Waters movie Pink Flamingos, you ever seen it?
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